सोमवार, 6 जुलाई 2020



Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to THE CONSTITUTION (Fourth Amendment) Bill, 1954 which was enacted as the Constitution (Fourth Amendment) Act, 1954 


This  Bill  seeks to amend articles 31, 31A and 305 of, and the  Ninth Schedule to, the Constitution.

2.   Recent  decisions  of the Supreme Court have given  a  very  wide meaning  to clauses (1) and (2) of article 31.  Despite the difference in  the wording of the two clauses, they are regarded as dealing  with the  same subject.  The deprivation of property referred to in  clause (1)  is  to  be  construed  in  the  widest  sense   as  including  any curtailment  of  a  right to property.  Even where it is caused   by  a purely  regulatory  provision  of  law and is not  accompanied   by  an acquisition  or taking possession of that or any other property  right by  the  State,  the  law, in order to be  valid  according   to  these decisions,  has  to provide for compensation under clause (2)  of  the article.   It  is  considered necessary, therefore, to  re-state   more precisely   the   State's   power  of    compulsory   acquisition   and requisitioning of private property and distinguish it from cases where the  operation of regulatory or prohibitory laws of the State  results in  "deprivation of property".  This is sought to be done in clause (2) of the Bill.

3.   It will be recalled that the zamindari abolition laws which  came first  in our programme of social welfare legislation were attacked by the  interests  affected mainly with reference to articles 14, 19 and 31,  and  that  in order to put an end to the  dilatory and wasteful
litigation  and  place  these  laws above  challenge  in   the  courts, articles  31A  and  31B  and the Ninth Schedule were  enacted by the Constitution  (First  Amendment) Act.  Subsequent  judicial   decisions interpreting  articles 14, 19 and 31 have raised serious difficulties
in  the  way  of the Union and the States putting  through  other and equally  important  social welfare legislation on the  desired  lines,

e.g., the following:-

(i)  While the abolition of zamindaris and the numerous intermediaries between the State and the tiller of the soil has been achieved for the
most part, our next objectives in land reform are the fixing of limits to  the  extent of agricultural land that may be owned or occupied  by
any  person, the disposal of any land held in excess of the prescribed maximum  and the further modification of the rights of land owners and
tenants in agricultural holdings.

(ii)  The  proper  planning  of   urban and  rural  areas  require  the beneficial  utilisation of vacant and waste lands and the clearance of slum areas.

(iii)  In the interest of national economy the State should have  full control  over the mineral and oil resources of the country,  including
in  particular, the power to cancel or modify the terms and conditions of  prospecting licenses, mining leases and similar agreements. This is  also  necessary in relation to public utility  undertakings  which supply  power, light or water to the public under licenses granted  by the State.

(iv)  It is often necessary to take over under State management for  a temporary  period  a  commercial or industrial  undertaking  or other property  in  the  public interest or in order to  secure  the   better management  of  the undertaking or property.  Laws providing for such temporary transference to State management should be permissible under the Constitution.

(v)  The  reforms  in company law now under   contemplation,  like  the progressive  elimination of the managing agency system, provision for
the  compulsory amalgamation of two or more companies in the  national interest,  the transfer of an undertaking from one company to another,
etc., require to be placed above challenge.

It is accordingly proposed in clause 3 of the Bill to extend the scope of  article  31A so as to cover these categories of essential  welfare legislation.

4.   As a corollary to the proposed amendment of article 31A,  it  is propsed  in  clause 5 of the Bill to include in the Ninth Schedule  to the  Constitution two more State Acts and four Central Acts which fall within  the  scope  of sub-clauses (d) and (f) of clause  (1)  of  the
revised article 31A.  The effect will be their complete, retrospective validation under the provisions of article 31B.


A  recent judgment of the Supreme Court in Saghir Ahmed  v.   the State  of U.P.  has raised the question whether an Act providing for a State  monopoly  in a particular trade or business conflicts with  the freedom  of trade and commerce guaranteed by article 301, but left the question  undecided.   Clause  (6) of article 19 was  amended   by  the Constitution  (First  Amendment)  Act  in order  to  take  such  State monopolies  out of the purview of sub-clause (g) of clause (1) of that article,  but no corresponding provision was made in Part XIII of  the Constitution  with reference to the opening words of article 301. It apears from the judgment of the Supreme Court that notwithstanding the clear  authority of Parliament or of a State Legislature to  introduce State  monopoly  in a particular sphere of trade or commerce, the  law might  have to be justified before the courts as being "in the  public interest"  under  article  301  or  as amounting   to  a   "reasonable restriction"  under  article 304(b).  It is considered that  any such question  ought  to be left to the final decision of  the  Legislatue. Clause (4) of the Bill accordingly proposes an amendment of article 305 to make this clear.

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