सोमवार, 6 जुलाई 2020


Question-1 India's Constituent Assembly was formed on the basis of which scheme?

[A] Cripps scheme [B] Mountbatten plan

[C] Waveli Plan [D] Cabinet Mission Plan

Question-2 When did the first session of the Constituent Assembly start?

[A] August 15, 1947 [B] January 26, 1950

[C] December 9, 1946 [D] December 13, 1946

Question 3- "Objective Offer" in the Constituent Assembly Meet by whom?

[A] Jawaharlal Nehru [B] Dr. Rajendra Prasad

[C] Bhimrao Ambedkar [D] Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel

Question-4 Since the historical development of Indian Constitution is considered to be the beginning?

[A] 1600 [B] 1700

[C] 1800 [D] 1757

Question-5 Regulant Act passed when

[A] 1771 [B] 1772

[C] 1775 [D] 1773

Question-6 Which Act gave the Governor General of India the power to issue Ordinance?

[A] Act 1862 [B] Act 1857

[C] Act 1861 [D] Act 1862

Question-7 Secretary of State for India was appointed under which Act.

[A] Government of India Act 1858 [B] Government of India Act 1958] [Government of India Act 1857 [D] Government of India Act 1855

Question-8 Under which Act, the principle of indirect election has been recognized? [A] Act 1892 [B] Act 1891 [C] Act 1990 [D] Act 1993

Question-9 When did the system of dual-government rule begin?

[A] 1919 [B] 1920 [C] 1918 [D] 1917

Question-10 Which Act of India was extinguished by the rule of East India Company?

[A] Act 1858 [B] Act 1857 [C] Act 1860 [D] Act 1862

Question-11 When was Queen Victoria appointed India's empress?

[A] 1858 [B] 1857

[C] 1860 [D] 1850


Question-12 Which of the additional electorate was brought to the beginning by Muslims?

[A] Minto Marley Correction [B] Chelmsford Correction

[C] England Act [D] All Above

Question 13: What was the essence of the provisions in the Montagu Chelmsford Reforms?

] A [Central rule [B] double rule in the provinces

] C] Governor rule in D-provinces of Iraq

Question-14 In which law was first mentioned in the federal system for India?

A-ACT 1935 B-ACT 1936

C-Act 1930 D-ACT 1835

Question 16 Under which Act, the direct election authority was recognized?

A-ACT 1919 B-ACT 1920

C-Act 1922 D-Act 1918

Question-17 When the August proposal was passed by the Indian Government?

[A] August 8, 1940 [B] August 9, 1940

[C] August 10, 1940 [D] August 11, 1940

Question-18 Which of the following was not a member of the Cabinet Mission?

A-Stafford Cripps B-A B Alexander C-Pathic Laurence D-Clement Attlee

Question-19 By what name is the plan to give universal power to Indians in 1947?

A-Mountbatten Plan B-Cabinet Plan C-August Plan D-Cripps Plan

Question 20: Will the Indian Constitution be in accordance with the will of the Indians, by which statement has been expressed?

A-MK Gandhi B-Tilak C-Sardar Patel D-Nehru

According to the question-21 cabinet mission scheme, how many members were to be elected in the Constituent Assembly.


Question-22 Which Prata was the most represented in the Constituent Assembly?

A-Middle Province B-South Province

D-Kashmir of C-United Provinces

Question-23 Who created the Indian Constitution?

A-Legislative Assembly B-United Assembly

C-Constitution House D-None

Question-24 When and where was the first session of the Constituent Assembly?

A-9 Dec 1946 B-10 Dec 1946 C-11 Dec 1946 D-13Dec 1946

Question-25 Who was the chairperson of the inaugural session of the Constituent Assembly?

 A-Ambedkar B-Nehru

C-Sachchidanand Sinha D-Rajendra Prasad

Question-26 Who was the permanent chairman of the Constituent Assembly?

A-Rajendra Prasad B-Sachchidanand Sinha C-Gandhi D-Subhash Chandra Bose

 Question-27 is the initial phase of the process of development of the Indian Constitution?

{A} Regulating Act - 1773

{B} Act of Settlement -1781

{C} Pitts India Act-1996

{D} Government of India Act of 1885

Question-28. The true statement regarding the provisions of the Regulating Act is-

【A】 Under this, Governor of Bengal was given the Governor General designation.

【B】 became the first Governor General of Bengal, Lord Warren Hastings.

【C की The process of integration of Indian provinces started.

【D】 In 1774, Supreme Court (Supreme Court) was established as 'Apex Court' in Fort William (Calcutta).

Code: -

{A} 1 and 2

{B} 1, 3, 4

{S} 1, 2, 3, 4

{D} 3 and 4

Question-29. The main objective of 'Act of Settlement -1781' was-

{A} British Parliament to strengthen its influence on the company.

{B} Removal of the 1773 Regulating Act.

{C} states integration

{D} both 1 and 2

Question-30. 'British Parliament to strengthen its influence on the company.' Which Act was the main objective?

{A} Regulating Act - 1773

{B} Act of Settlement -1781

{C} Fax India Bill-1803

{D} Pitts India Act-784

q.30 Under the Charter Act of 31-June 1793, the salary and allowance of the members of the control board was given to Indian Revenue. How long does this arrangement continue?

{A} 1899

{B} 1909

{C} 1919

{D} 1935

Under the Charter Act of 31-June 1793, the salary and allowance of the members of the control board was given to Indian Revenue. How long does this arrangement continue?

{A} 1899

{B} 1909

{C} 1919

{D} 1935

Question-32 By which Act the business rights of the company were completely abolished?

{A} Act of 1813

{B} Charter Act of 1833

{C} Charter Act of 1853

{D} Government of India Act of 1885

Question-33 By which act did the governor general of Bengal become known as the Governor-General of India?

{A} Act of 1813

{B} Charter Act of 1833

{C} Charter Act of 1853

{D} Government of India Act of 1885

Question-34 was the first Governor General of India?

{A} Lord Warren Hastings

{B} Lord Irwin

{C} Lord William Bantik

{D} None of the above

Question-35 When was the first law commission headed by Lord Macaulay?

{A} 1833

{B} 1835

{C} 1843

{C} 1853

Question-36 Under which Act, the executive and legislative powers were first classified separately?

{A} Act of 1813

{B} Charter Act of 1833

{C} Charter Act of 1853

{D} Government of India Act of 1885

Under the Charter Act of 1853, a separate Legislative Council was established for the first time in India. How many members were there in the Legislative Council?

{A} 8

{B} 12

{C} 15

{D} 18

   Question-38 is a false statement in reference to the characteristics of the Indian Government Act-

【1 द्वारा India's rule was acquired by the British Crown.

【2】 The Indian Minister was stripped of the right to treat secret letters with Viceroy of India.

【3】 The Indian Minister was declared a joint body.

Under 【4】 Act, it was arranged that all the treaties, contracts and agreements which the company has made will be valid for all the Crown.

Code: -

{A} only 3

{B} only 2

{C} 1 and 4

{D} None of the above

Question-39 When did the Governor General be called Viceroy?

{A} Government of India Act of 1885

{B} Council of India Act of 1861

{C} India Council Act-1892

{D} None of the above

Question-40 India's first Viceroy?

{A} Lord Harding

{B} Lord Linlithgow

{C} Lord Curzon

{D} Lord Canning

Question 41: Minto Marle Reform What is called?

] A [Charter Act 1990 (B) Charter Act 1908

[C] Charter Act 1910 [D] Charter Act 1909

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